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Dragut games

Online turn-based strategy games. Originally designed as board games, they preserve the spirit of spending some time with friends.

Nothing to install. Nothing to update. Just log in and play! These games are developed under international web standards and may be played with any device enabled to connect to the network (provided it has an up-to-date browser and a suitable screen), without the need to download anything on your system.

This also means maximum transparency and regard for the player: our games do not ask for real money to pay for fake items, usable only for fun; and when declared "free" they are "demo" versions, really and completely free. The email address is used to avoid double registrations and for technical communications only (eg: password recovery); it is not used to send you commercial communications, unless you explicitly consent it.

Games are funded from players’ annual subscriptions and advertising banners, if any. By subscribing, players have access to the complete version of the games, which may provide different time limits, access to scoreboards and other add-on options.


For any information and suggestions, please contact me at the following e-mail address


© Copyright 2016 Filippo de Grenet
